My Battlefeld 3 Gameplay TIPS

BF3 gameplay is vastly different than the average first person shooter. More than any other FPS Battlefield 3 requires you to think. If it doesn’t you’ll have a hard time getting more kills than deaths.

BF3 Gameplay Tips – Medic

The biggest Battlefield 3 medic mistake I see is missed revives. If you’re going to play medic you have to get revives. There are many times when team mates will use good cover and get killed. These peoples bodies usually end up in safe place for reviving. Medics need to keep an eye out for the revive symbol.

Once the revive icon is spotted it’s rez time. Keep in mind you don’t need to be right on top of someone. Shock paddles have a little bit of range. When possible use this range to stay out of fire while reviving.

Being on the move is an important part of BF3, especially when you’re getting shot at. Med kits are stationary but there’s a way to get health on the move. While sprinting look up slightly and jump. When you get to the peak of your jump throw out a med kit. This will launch it through the air and heal you along the way. At full sprint this will heal you for 20-30% health depending on how good you get at it.

BF3 Gameplay Tips – Combat

Knowing how to use weapons correctly is not something many BF3 players do. Make sure you don’t get caught in a spot where it’s impossible to pull your gun out. There are two actions that will cause you to be completely defenseless. Sprint is one, the other is Prone. Avoid these actions whenever possible.

Staying away from prone is easy. The only time I use it is in a last ditch effort to take cover behind short objects. Keeping away from sprint is much trickier. You can’t just not sprint, the maps are too big. Instead don’t sprint around on objectives. Bomb sites and flags are no sprint zones. Keep an eye on the minimap, team mates can spot enemies. Red on the map means stop sprinting.

Use your grenades. After every death you respawn with another nade. Don’t die with that grenade in your inventory. Use it as soon as possible. My favorite use for nades is cover and probing popular spots. If I’m rocking it alone I’ll throw a nade down in one area so I can focus on another. Enemies have a tendency to become screamers when a nade lands within 4-5 meters of them. Use this to your advantage!

BF3 Gameplay Tips – Prefire
Prefire means shooting someone before you see them. Getting good at prefiring takes time and practice. Map knowledge plays a large role. You need to know the common spots. Another factor is predicting your opponent. I assume that my opponent will play in the most advantageous spot. Frefiring that spot means you will either get an easy kill or get to fight an opponent in an inferior spot.

Suppression ruins many gunfights in BF3. It’s common to burn through a whole clip and not be able to get the finish. Naturally you must take cover reload, and wait for suppression to wear off. You now know exactly where your opponent is and are in perfect position to prefire.

When prefiring don’t worry about head shots too much especially when you first start out. Center mass is easier to hit which helps when you aren’t really aiming at a specific target. Even if you don’t hit the first shot or two the suppression will prevent the enemy from getting accurate shots.

BF3 Gameplay Tips – Choose Your Spawn
Choosing your spawn is a skill unto itself. Your entry point into the battle directly effects how successful you’ll be. Make sure you’re in a squad. It’s not always best to spawn on squad mates but more options won’t hurt. Provided you aren’t capped out you will have 3 choices for spawns.

Main Base
Squad Mate

Most times flag spawning is your best option. It’s close enough to the battle so you aren’t wasting time. Yet far enough away from the front line that you can enter with bearings on enemy positions. Main base spawns are good for when your team is losing ground. If your front flag is under siege it becomes a dangerous spawn. Better to spawn at the main and try to clear the contested flag with good angles.

My biggest problem with spawning on squad mates is being dropped in the middle of a fight with very little information. Spawning in on a buddy just to die instantly is a waste of time and tickets. However if one of your squad mates can make it through enemy lines during a stalemate spawning on them becomes a much better prospect. Use squad spawns sparingly.

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